Enhancing Mobile Accessibility

The MedicAlert mobile website project focused on improving mobile accessibility, resolving broken screen views, and enhancing the overall user experience.

UX/UI Design

Medic Alert


MedicAlert, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical information during emergencies, initiated this project to improve mobile access to their website. The goal was to create a mobile-friendly version of the site that would align with their existing brand identity while addressing usability issues.


  • Improve Mobile Accessibility: Ensure seamless access to critical medical information on mobile devices.

  • Resolve Broken Screen Views: Eliminate display issues across various devices.

  • Enhance User Experience: Create a cohesive interface that aligns with the MedicAlert brand, improving engagement and satisfaction.


To approach the project, the team first conducted a discovery phase to gather insights from the client and identify the specific issues affecting mobile accessibility. Key templates were wireframed, focusing on essential pages such as the home screen and member sections. These wireframes were translated into high-fidelity mockups that adhered to MedicAlert's visual identity. Throughout the design process, collaboration with the client was prioritized, with regular feedback sessions and iterative adjustments to ensure alignment with their needs.


The project successfully achieved its objectives, leading to a more accessible and user-friendly mobile experience.

  • Improved Mobile Experience: A fully responsive, mobile-friendly site significantly reduced complaints.

  • Seamless Interface: The redesign maintained MedicAlert’s visual identity while enhancing usability.

  • Increased User Satisfaction: Positive feedback and a noticeable reduction in accessibility-related issues were achieved.

This project demonstrated the importance of addressing mobile usability to meet the growing demand for convenient access to critical information, especially in emergencies.


Interactive Augmented Reality (AR)


Global Hotel Alliance (GHA)